9 Dog Ln
Storrs, CT 06268
Husky Pizza
This was our first delivery pizza, and whether we should have or not - we had big expectations. Prior to it arriving we were extremely excited, Abby was entranced in the velour adidas sweatpants, apart from our hunger all was well. The pizza arrived and our the initial impression was very very misleading. Initially it all felt right. Our hunger was satisfied, the ham was indeed very nice and pineapple was, well, satisfactory, and the cheese… The cheese was unexpectedly the demise of this pizza. There was so much cheese. Under it all there was a very conservative amount of sauce which served as a juxtaposition to their generosity in terms of cheese quantity. Unfortunately, this didn’t just influence the flavor. After the pizza began to cool, there was nothing stopping the cheese from congealing. And congeal it did. We tried to persevere but after much effort, we had to stop eating the pizza in it’s intended form. We peeled the cheese from the pizza and salvaged the embedded ham and pineapple. Using the crust, we created crude pizza rolls and ate them. This pizza made us resort to primitive behaviors. Hawaiian pizza should never be eaten like this. In closing, good ham, okay pineapple, and an unruly amount of cheese.