Pizza Brain
2313 Frankford Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19125
- First, and only non-vegan, meal in Philly
- Come in and met by a mean, ugly cashier lady (she started it)
- Extremely quiet, it had this whole museum thing going on but it felt strange due to how dead the place was
- tons of black pepper, salty, tasted like a marinara sauce that you’d get with you pasta in elementary school
Grada Gool (Grana Padano)
- too much of this fancy
- grada gool
- making it all too stinky
- little salty little dry, as expected not a good match for a hawaiian pizza
- flavor was barely there, overcooked, and bland
- providing only a hint of sweetness
Miscellaneous Toppings
- the
- scallions
- : whats the point of this? It’s too sharp and doesn’t balance anything out
Veggie Alternative: Kalamata Olives
- salty af, most intense flavor, made pizza taste like wine
Additional Thoughts
- while this was a very nice looking pizza, the flavor was very muddled
- “try hard” fancy Hawaiian developed by someone who clearly doesn’t understand the fundamentals of a good Hawaiian pizza. Big miss with the
- grada gool
- and the scallions
Full Review